`The following material is a compilation of words and phrases from several sources hence may contain dialect variations so some changes will be necessary

History of The Cherokee tsa-la-gi Language

The Cherokee's Dictionary

Cherokees are the only Native American People who possess a writing system equivalent to the European alphabet. The Cherokee syllabary is the only alphabet in history attributed to be the work of one man, George Gist, known to the world as Sequoyah. Although he did not speak or read the English language, he understood the power of the written word.

(See History of Language) His Syllabary follows.

The following material is a compilation of words and phrases from several sources. It may contain dialect variations so some changes will be necessary. This is also a process of learning even as our children may learn. We must thank Powersource for permission to use material.

Punctuation & Pronounciation

' means syllable is accented.

? between syllable.

: means vowel is held longer.

* pronounce carefully because it can change the meaning of the word.

Vowel Sounds

a, as a in father, or short as a in rival

e, as a in hate, or short as e in met

i, as i in pique, or short as i in pit

o, as o in note, approaching aw as in law

u, as oo in fool, or short as u in pull v, as u in but, nasalized

Cherokee syllabary Pronunciation Key

The Cherokee alphabet is written in the syllabary form. A syllabary is an alphabet in which each letter in a word stands for a whole syllable (such as "ga") instead of a single letter (such as "g"). With the exception of the letter "s," Cherokee is a complete syllabary comprising some 85 phonetic sounds.

Almost all Cherokee syllables end in a vowel. When using the syllabary, Cherokee words can almost always be spelled as they are pronounced. Spelling sometimes varies when using English letters to interpret the syllables.

The Cherokee language uses the following English consonants:

d g h k l m n q s t w .

The following English consonants do not exist in the Cherokee language:

b f p r* t v x z.

* The Eastern or lower dialect which is now extinct used a rolling "r", which took the place of the "l" of the other dialects.

A beginning speaker should try to keep the lips still, their mouth slightly opened, pressing the tongue against the lower teeth. Syallables beginning

with "g" except (ga) are pronounced almost as in English, but approaching to (t); do, du, dv are sounded as to, tu, tv in some words.

Syllables written with (ti) except (tla) sometimes vary to "di". The syllables "do, du, dv" are sometimes sounded "to, tu, tv."

The syllables qua, que, qui, quo, quu, quv are pronounced with a "kw" sound before each vowel. The syllables dla, tla, tle, tli, tlo, tlu, tlv are pronounced by touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth and bringing it down as the syllables are spoken.

The syllables written with "tl" except "tla" sometimes are pronounced "dl". The syllables tsa, tse, tsi, tso, tsu, tsv are pronounced a little differently depending upon the dialect.

In Western Cherokee the syllables are usually pronounced as the "j" in jaw. Remember to try to keep the tongue at the bottom of the mouth, touching the bottom teeth and the "j" in jaw. Remember to try to keep the tongue at the bottom of the mouth, touching the bottom teeth and the "j" sound becomes softer.

At times, Cherokee syllables have unvoiced or silent vowels. At times the silent vowel may be indicated with an apostrophe as in the number seven, "ga l' quo gi" -or indicated by brackets (li) quo gi." When this happens the consonant in that syllable is pronounced with the preceding syllable, "gal quo gi."

Greetings & Courtesies & Pronunciation

`o si`yo (hello) (siyo similar to howdy for familiar greeting Oh-see-yo

(t)do `hi tsu (how are you/ are you well?) Toe-hee-tsu

(t)`o si gwu (I am fine) Oh-see-gwoo

To hi ju (Are you fine Toe-hee-joo?

O sdi (or osi) (fine) Oh-sdee

Osda (good)

Tla osda (no good)

Uyoi (bad)

(t)do`hi quu (yes, I'm fine/ yes, I'm well)Toe-hee-

`ni hi `na hv (and you)Nee-hee-nah-huh

ni na (and you?) Nee-nah?

Kohiigi (today)

Kohiusv (tonight)

Sunle (tomorrow)

Sunalei (morning)

Osda sunalei (good morning)

Iga (noon or day)

Svhiyeyi (evening)

Osda svhiyeyi (good evening)

Svnoi (night)

Osda svnoi (good night)

Wa do (Thank you, thanks) Wah-doh

Gvlieliga (you're welcome)

Ulihelisdi (welcome)

Donada'govi (goodbye-speaking to one person)

Inquiries & conversational Terms

Ga do de tsa doa? (What is your name ?) Gah-doh Dey-jah-doh?

Daquadov (name) is my name. ...Dah-wah-doh

Ka hnv (ja)....? (Who is your(family term)Kah-hnuh-hah)....?

Hi a (This is (name\object) ...Hee-ah

Du do (Name)is his\her name) ...Doo-doh

Ha tlv....? (Whereis(name\object)? Hah-tluh.....?

Hi tsa la gis ( are you cherokee?) ("s" indicating a question)

tsa la gis hi wo ni (do you speak cherokee?)

tla I go li ga ( I don't understand)

gayo tsi woni tsalagi ( I know some cherokee)

usti goliga woni tsalagi ( I understand a little cherokee)

usti tsi woni tsalagi ( I speak a little cherokee)

osdadu ( good for you)

Do u sdi Hi na ? (What is this?)Doh-oo-sdee- Hee-nah?

He la ya A hli li? (What time is it?) Heh-lah-yah Ah-tlee-lee?

Do u sdi? (What is it?(Which is it?) Doh-oo-sdee?

A gi yo si (I am hungry) Ah-gee-yoh-see

Ja yo si has? (Are you hungry?) Jah-yoh-see-hahs?

Ha dlv Hi he la? (Where do you live?) Hah-dluh Hee-neh-lah?

Oginalii or unalii (friend)

Nigadv (or) nigaduwu (everyone)

Nanivquu (everybody)

Sidanelv (family)

Giloasiyvwi (someone)

Giloi (somebody)

Udvsonvhi (elder(man)

Agayvlige (elder(woman)

Home & Furnishings

gal `tso de (house)

Home & Furnishings (continued)

o we `nv `sv (home)

as `du di (door)

ga lo `hi `sti (doorway)

tso `la `na (window)

a da `sta ti (kitchen)

a `sv sti-ka nv `su lv (bedroom)

ga `ni tlv `di `sti (bed)

ga `sgi lo (table or chair)

di se `hi sti (dresser)

a `tsv sta (lamp)

di li no `he `di (phone)

ganitlvdisti ( bed)

aquenvsv ( my house)

yatenoha ( floor)

Note: You must remember that cherokee is basically phonetic if you see a word spelled differently, sound it out.


`al sta yvni `di (food)

There are things that don't need to specify they are meat

u `we tsi (egg)

tsuwetsi (eggs)

asuyedv tsuwetsi (scrambled eggs)

goihi gvnistodi tsuwetsi (fried eggs)

tsataga (chicken)

ugama tsataga (chicken soup)

kawonu (duck)

gvni (turkey)

saloli (squirrel)

ulano (soft shell turtle)

astsadi (fish)

a tsa `di (fish)

ugama (soup)

ugama ulano (turtle soup)

ha `wi `ya (meat)

wa`ka-ha `wi `ya (beef or cow meat)

waka hawiya asvnadanvhi (beef roast)

waka hawiya diga nulatsi (beef ribs)

yansa hawiya (buffalo meat)

si `quahi `wa `ya (pork or pig meat)

a `wi `ya-u ka `yo sv (bacon or dried meat)

unodena hawiya (lamb or mutton)

awi hawiya (venison, deer meat)

hawiya astovhi (susage)

Foods (continued)

unitsalesti (biscuits)

`ga du (bread)

`se lu-`ga du (corn bread)

gotlunv (butter)

wadulisi (honey, syrup) honey and sweets are the same

uganasta (sweets, pastries, cakes)

wadulisi (honeybee)

kal `se tsi (Sugar or candy)

`wa du `li si (cake or something sweet)

ge `lis gi (pie)

`ka `wi (coffee)

as ta `tlv da (cream)

`a `ma (salt)

a `ma (water)

There are many words that have more than one meaning. It depends on the context of the sentence in which it is used. 'a ma = salt a'ma = water a'ni = strawberry 'a ni = here

Awisvnv alisdayvnvdi (vegetables or garden foods)

duyu nasdii (peas)

nu `na (potatoes)

nuna anisaqualv (potatoes or round things)

gadunvi nuna (baked potato)

goihi gvnistodi nuna (fried potatoes or french fries)

astovhi nuna (mashed potatoes)

squasi (squash)

iya (pumpkin)

tsuganadena (cabbage)

gagami (cucumber)

galadisgi (radish)

daquosanv (turnip)

duya (beans)

anitse duya (green beans)

tsudali duya (kidney beans)

selu (corn)

igosdiagisdi (lettuce) i gos di agis di *really means to eat raw


Fruits u da ta `nv-a `gi `sdi

svk `ta (apple)

da`lo ni ge-a dv`dv ski (apricot)

qua `ne `na (banana)

a da `lo ni `ge (orange)

`qua `na (peach)

Fruits (continued)

gi `ta ya (cherry)

di ga `dv di (pear)

`un te lv nv `di (grapes)

qua `nun sti (plum)

`a `ni (strawberry)

ka `nu gal `hi (blackberry)


Agiyosi (I am hungry)

Aqualstayvnv (I have eaten)

Gohiuda galistayvni (I will eat later)

Galistayv hvsga (I am eating)

Halistayv hvsga (You eat)

Dalistayvni (he/she will eat)

Anvlista yvhvsga (They are eating)

Tsadulis tsaldati (Do you want to eat?)

Gadoustitsigi (What am I eating?)

Gadohustiinigi (What are we (2) eating?)

Gadohustidigi (What are we (3)eating?)

Deskvsi (solids) (Pass me (food item)

Esginehvsi (liquids) (Pass me (drink item, gravy)

Esginvsi (paper/cloth item,(napkin)

General words

`a se li do (plate)

a di `to di (spoon)

ha yel `sdi (knife)

yv `gi (fork)

hi `gi (eat)

`a `ga (ate)

YV (I)

v `v (yes)

tla (no)

a `ya (me)

nv (now)

o si (hot house)

tsunalugi (smoke signal)

unawadali (storehouses)

atsila (fire)

`o sda (good)

u yo `i (bad)

`e qua (big)

`u sti (little)

`u da `nv ga `lv da (clean)

ga da `ha i (dirty)

Genereal words (continued)

u do hi `yu (true)

ha `nel `ta (try)

`ha tlv (where)

hi la `yu i (when)

ga do (what)

`as du `di (close)

`as du `i da (open)

e `he na (come)

ko hi `i `ga (today)

ko `hi u `sv (tonight)

su `n le (tomorrow)

hi `ya (this)

`na (that)

`na hi `yui (then)

na `hna (there)

ga ya `nu la (fast)

u ska `no la (slow)

ha le `wi sta (stop)

tlas `ti (quit)

e la `we I (quite)

ni `ga da (all)

u `wa sa (alone)

`ga yu `la (already)

nas `quu (also)

a `le (and)

ga li `ha (asleep)

`u wo `du hi (beautiful)

wa `sti (watch or clock)

go we `li (book or paper)

di go `we lo `di (pencil)

di go we `lo di (desk)

ho `we lv `ga (you write)

hi go `li ya (you read)

`a yv `wi ya (indian)

tsa la `gi (Cherokee)

u gv wi `yu `hi (chief or governor-ruler)

Culture & Religion Phrases

Otsalanvlvi (we are all brothers and sisters)

Uneque (The Great Being)

Asgaya Galvlati (Man Above, My Grandfather)

Ani Gilahi (Long Hair Society or Woman Society)

Agiwele (The Old Woman)

Hayv ("I have said it, it is true")

Tsiwonihu (I am speaking) Jsi-waw-nee-hoo

Culture & Religion Phrases (continued)

Ani Tsalagi (People of the Mountain Ridge) A-nee-jsa-la-gee

Tsalegi (Mountain ridge) jsa-LAY-gee

Ani Yvwiya (Principal People)

Note: To outsiders or in council they call themselves Ani Yvwiya


E me nv (Amen)

Go we li u ha ge dv (Bible)

U na de ti yi s gv I (Christmas)

E do da (God)

Yi ho wa (Jehovah)

Tsi sa (Jesus)

a da `do `lis do `ti (worship-pray)

`al tsa `do `ti (preach)

`ga lo `ne `da (Christ)

tsu `nel ti (Christian)

`di ga la `wi sti (church)

ga lv la di (heaven)

ayawisgi (warrior or soldier)

adanvdo (spirit)

ditlihi (warrior)

adanvdo aitlihi (spirit warrior)


di `nu wo (clothing)

a `nu wo (cloth)

ga sa `le na (coat)

di `su lo (trousers)

ha `wi ni-`a nu (shirt)

a `sv no (dress)

di `li yo (socks)

di la `su lo (shoes)

A tse sa do (apron)

De ga lo di (bag)

A de la di ya tso di (beads)

A da tlo s di (belt)

Tsu s qua nv ni (blanket)

A ge yv ga du I u nu wo gi (blouse)

U gv tsa di a li s que ta wv (cap)

A na wo (cloth)

Ga sa le na (coat)

A li s que ta wo gi (hat)


asgwadisdi (accomplish /succeed)

asgwadv (success)

aledi ( stand, or upright)

gadoda ( standing)

(he's succeeding asgwadohvsga These 3 words seem related; (asgwahle'a" he's catching a falling thing) and (ball sgwahlesdi) the 1st & 2nd imply agility, forethought, suited to the challenge, etc.? to catch = ganiyidi


e lo hi no (earth)

`o `ni (yard)

ga da (dirt)

de tlu `gv (trees)

ga `nu lv (grass)

tso ge si (field)

a do hi (forest)

hu tsi lv ha (flower)

a wi sv di yi (garden)

ka ne s ga (hay)

u `no le (air-wind)

`ga no `lv `sga (the wind is blowing)

u lo gi lv (cloud)

a `ga `sga (raining)

aniga uyvtsa (the cold days)

usgiya (snow time)

unalatani (cold time)

gaga luni (bony or hungry month)

kala (winter)

v `tsi (snow)

u ne s da la (ice)

u ne s da la u ne sa dv I (icicle)

go `ti (it is snowing)

u ka `yo di (dry)

ga du `li di (wet)

u ne sv `yv `tli (cool)

u `ga na `wa (warm)

u `yv `dla (cold)

u `di `tle `ga (hot)

su na `le i (morning)

`i `ga (noon, day)

sv `no `i (night)

u `lo gi `la (cloudy)

nv `da (sun)

a ga `lis gv (sunshine)

Outdoors (continued)

a `ga li (sun is shining)

u gi tsi ha (daylight)

nv `no `hi (road)

ga la `nv da (street)

u `ta `na-nv `no hi (highway-big road)

e qua nv no hi (highway)dialect

a sv `tlv i (bridge)

v da li (lake)

`a `tso du `di (car)

ga du `hv i (city)

sga `du gi (county)

e `lo `hi (world)

Disesdi Numbers

sa `quu I (one)

`ta `li (two)

`tso `i (three)

`nv `gi (four)

`his `gi (five)

su da `li (six)

gali `quo `gi (seven)

(t)sa `ne la (eight)

`so `ne `la (nine)

sgo `hi (ten)

sa do (eleven)

saw-doo tal du (twelve)

tawl-doo tso ga du (thirteen)

joh-gah-doo ni ga du (fourteen)

ne-gah-doo sgi ga du (fifteen)

sgee-gah-doo da la du (sixteen)

dah-lah-doo gal hgwa du (seventeen)

gawl-gwah-doo ne la du (eighteen)

neh-lah-doo so ne la du (nineteen)

soh-neh-lah-doo tal sgo (twenty)

tawl-sgoh jo sgo (thirty)


oh-sgoh (Days of the Week)

Days of the Week

Do da gwa sgv……Sunday…… Doh-dah-gwah-sguh

Do da wo hnv…… Monday….. Doh-dah-who-nuh

Ta li ne I ga………Tuesday….. Tah-lee-nay-ee-gah

No I ne I ga………Wednesday.. Joh-ee-nay-ee-gah

Nv gi ne I ga……. Thursday…. Nuh-gee-nay-ee-gah

Ju na gi lo sdi…… Friday…….. Joo-nah-gee-loh-sdee

Do da gwi de na… Saturday….. Doh-dah-gwee-da-nah

Tsadulis tsaldati (Do you want to eat?)

I - Present-Past-Future

`tsi go `ti (I see)

a gi go `hv (I saw)

da `tsi go `I (I will see him or her)

a qua du `li (I want)

a qua du `lis gv (I wanted)

a qua du `lis ge sti (I will want)

`da qua du `li (I wanted-two or more items)

da qua `lis `ge sti (I will want-two or more items)

a quo `hi yu (I believe)

a quo hi `yu nv (I believed)

da `go hi yu `ni (I will believe)

ge `li (I think)

ge `lis gv (I thought)

ge `lis ges `ti (I will think)

ga `tv gi (I hear)

ak dv `ga nv (I heard)

ga `ga dv `ga ni (I will hear)

tsi `wo ni (I'm talking)

gi `wo ni `sv (I talked)

da tsi `wo ni `si (I will talk)

`tla i `go li `ga (I don't understand)

tla ya quol `tsi i (I didn't understand)

tla i ge go `li `ga (I won't understand)

`gv `ni `ga (I hit it)

a quv ni lv `hi (I hit it-past tense)

dv `gv ni `la (I will hit it)

da gi `lv wi sta `ne (I'm working)

da gi `lv wi sta ne `hv (I was working)

da gi `lv wi sta ne `he sti (I will be working)

`ge `ga (I'm going)

`ge gv `i (I was going)

`ge ges `ti (I will be going)

a gi `yo si (I'm hungry)

dagalistayvn (I'm going to eat)

gohiuda galistayvni (I will eat later)

galistayv hvsga (I am eating)

aqualstayvnu (I have eaten)

a gi `yo sis gv `i (I was hungry)

a gi `yo sis `ges ti (I'll be hungry)

da gi yo `we ga (I'm tired)

da gi yo `we gv (I was tired)

da gi yo`we ges `ti (I'll be tired)

ga li `e li `ga (I'm thankful)

I - Present-Past-Future (continued)

a qua li `he li tsv (I was thankful)

ga li `e li `ges `ti (I'll be thankful)

dv ge `si-di `quenv `sv i (I'm going home)

a `qua ni gi ses `ti (I will go home)

ko `hi i ga-ge `ga (today I'm going)

sv `hi- wa qua do `lv (I went yesterday)

su na `le-da ge `si (I will go tomorrow)

di`ga du `hv-ge `ga (town, I'm going)

di`ga du hv-wi ge `da (I've been to town)

di`ga du`hv-a qua `nv ses `ti (I will go to town)

da gi `lv wi sta `le `ga (I'm going to work)

da ge `lv wi sta ne `le `sv (I went to work)

da gi `lv wi sta ne `he `sti (I will be working)

da ga `lis `ta yv `ni (I'm going to eat)

a qual `sta yv `nv (I have eaten)

ko`hi yu da ga`li sta `yv `ni (I will eat later)

tsi`tsa ne (I'm riding with him)

tsi`tsa ne lv (I rode with him)

da tsi `tsa ne `li (I will ride with him)

We - Present-Past-Future

o `ste `ga (we are going-two people)

wo `ste `da (we have been-two people)

o `ste ge `sti (we will go-two people)

tla-yo gi nol `tse I (we didn't understand)

o `ste li (we think/understand-two people)

o gi ne `li sv `I (we thought-two people)

o ste `lis `ges ti (we will think-two people)

do gi ni`lv wi sta ne`hes`ti (we will be working)

a `gi na du `li (we want-one item-two people)

o gi na do `lis gv (we wanted-one item-two people)

do gi na du `li (we want-two or more items-two p.)

do gi na du lis gv (we wanted two or more items- two people)

da `yo stal sta yv `ni (we will eat(two people)

o gi no `hi yu (we believe-two people)

o sta `da nv (we are moving-two people)

da `yo sta da nv `si (we are going to move-two p.)

o`tse `ga (we are going -three or more people)

a `tse `li (we think-three or more)

o tsa li `sta yv hvs `ga (we are eating-3 or more)

o tsa `da nv(we are moving-3 or more)

You he `na (go-you-one person)

tso `le `sti (stay home-you-one person)

hi sta qua du `ga (go w/him/her-you-one person)

kstaqua du `ga (go with me-you-one person)

We - Present-Past-Future (continued)

hi `ste `na (go-you-two people)

halistayv hvsga (you eat)

He/She - Present-Past-Future

e `li (he/she thinks)

e `li sgv (he/she thought)

e `lis ges `ti (he/she will think)

u `wo hi`yu (he/she believes)

u `wo hi `yu sv (he/she believed)

a go `ti (he/she sees)

u go `hv (he/she will see)

gvn `ga (he/she hit it)

da `gv ni `li(he/she will hit it)

de ka no `gi (he/she is singing)

du no `gi sv (he/she sung)

do da ka no `gi si (he/she will sing)

al `sta yv `hv sga (he/she is eating)

ul `sta yv `nv (he/she ate)

ga `wo ni (he/she is talking)

u yets `ga (he/she is laughing)

u yets `ga `i (he/she was laughing)

da yu`yets (he/she will laugh)

du `lvw sta ne `i (he/she is working)

du `lvw sta ne `hv `i (he/she was working)

du `lvw sta ne `hes ti (he/she will work)

da li 'sta yv ni (he/she will eat)

agia (he/she is(name)

* note that the double "a"s are not combined because this a description of someone.

They - Present-Past-Future

du ni `lvw `sta ne (they are working-2 or more)

du ni `lvw sta ne `hesti (they will be working-2 or more)

ani`wo ni (they are talking-2 or more)

a ni `wo ni sge `sti (they were talking-2 or more)

a ni `wo ni sge `sti (they will be talking-2 or more)

da ni `no gi (they are singing-2 or more)

da ni no `gis gv `i (they were singing-2 or more)

da ni no `gis ge `sdi (they will be singing-2 or more)

a nal sta yv hv `sga (they are eating-2 or more)

da nal sta yv `ni (they will eat-2 or more)

u na du `li (they want-2 or more)


That Is/ This Is

Is `na a qua `tse`li (that is mine)

hi `ya-gal tso `de aqua `tse `li (this is my house)

hi `ya-a tso do `di-a qua `tse `li (this is my car)

hi `ya- ak sta `yv hv `sga (this is my wife)

hi `ya- a que `tsi (this is my son/daughter)

a gi na`tse `li (this is ours)

hi `ya-gal tso`de-o gi na `tse`li (this is our house)

hi `ya-a tso do`di o gi na`tse`li (this is our car)

hi `ya-ogi `ne tsi (this is our child)

Is This hi `yas-tsa `tse `li (is this yours?)

hi `yas-tsa `tse li-a tso do `di (is this your car?)

hi `yas-tse `tsi (is this your child?)

hi `yas-di `ste nv `sv (is this where you live?)


hi la `yu `i (when)

hi la `yu-ta ni gi `si (when are you leaving?)

hila `yu-dv hi lu `tsi (when will you be back?)

hi la `yu-ga lu `gi (when did he/she come back?)

hi la `yu-gu wa ni `gi `di (when did he/she leave?)

hi la `yu-da na ni `gi `si (when are they leaving?)

hi la `yu-dv a ni `lu`tsi (when are they coming back?)


ha `tlv (where)

ha `tlv-we `da (where have you been?)

ha `tlv-hi `ne la (where do you live?)

ha `tlv-da tsa lo `sv hi (where are you from?)

ha `tlv-he `ga (where are you going?)

ha `tlv i ne `ga (where are we going?)

Tsi eha (I live)

Tsi eha Georgia

eha (live, alive (also)

ha tlv a ni ne la (where do they live )

Hi ne lv (he/she lives)

Hi ne lv (his/her place (also)


Ha la i ga i (How much?)

Ha la i ga tsu gv wa la ti (How much does it cost?)

Na a gi wa hi s dia qua du li (I would like to buy that.)





ga `do (what)

ga `do-ha `da(what did you say?)

ga `do-ha dv `ne hi (what do you do?)

ga `do u `sti-hi`go ti (what do you see?)

ga `do u `sti (what is it?)

ga `do hv `dv ne(what are you doing?)

ga `do-a `da (what did he say?)

ga `do u `sti- u`di li (what does he/she want?)

ga `do- de tsa `do a (what is your name?)

gadoustitsigi (what am I eating?)

gadohustiinigi (What are we (2) eating?)

gadohustidigi (What are we(3) eating?)


ga `ga (who?)

gag-i `li go (who are you with?)

gag-da `ya i (who is coming?)

gag-da `ye si (who is going?)

gag-ni `hi (who are you?)

gag-e `na (who went?)

gag-na a ska `ya (who is that man?)

gag-na a ge `ya (who is that woman?)


i na `le wis `ta (let's stop-as in traveling)

i ni `su li go `hi (let's quit)

i `na i `ses ti (let's be going)

wi `ne da (let's go visit)

do na `da go `hv i (let's see each other again)

di `ni la wi tsu `ga (let's go to church)

di ni `no gi (let's sing)

i na `da do lis `ta (let's pray)

di `ga du `hv-wi `ne da (to town let's go)

di `da nv nv-wi `neda (to store let's go)

tsi go wa `ta (let me see)

gv `ste `la (let me help you)

i da `le na (let's begin)


e`hi yv `ha (come in)

i `he do lv `i (come again)




Months of the year

U nolv ta ni (January)

Ka ka li (February)

A nv yi (March)

Ka wo ni (April)

A (ni) s gv ti (May)

Ti ha lu yi (June)

Gu ye quo ni (July)

Ga lo ni (August)

Du li s di (September)

Du ni nv di (October)

Nv da de wi (November)

V sgi yi (December)

Days of the week

U na do da qua s gv i (Sunday)

U na doda quo nv i (Monday)

Ta li ne i ga (Tuesday)

Tso i ne i ga (Wednesday)

Nv gi ne i ga (Thursday)

Tsu (ni) gi lo s ti (Friday)

U na do da qui dena (Saturday)


gv na ge i (black)

sa go ni ge i (blue)

u wo di ge(brown)

wa di ge I (brown) dialect

i tse i yu s di (green)

a tse hi (green)dialect

u s go lv - sa go ni ge (grey}

da lo ni ge I (gold)

a sa lo nige (orange)

gi ga ge i yu s di (pink)

gi ge s di (purple)

gi ga ge (red)

a de lv u ne gv (silver)

u ne ga (white)

da lo ni ge (yellow)



u yv tlv (north)

u ga na wv (south)

ka lv gv (east)

wu de li gv (west)

u yv tlv ka lv gv i di tlv (northeast)

u yv tlv i di tlv (northern)

u yvtlv u de li gv i di tlv (northwest)

u ga na wv ka lv gv (southeast)

u gana wv i di tlv (southern)

u ga na wv u de li gv I di tlv (southwest)

Proper Names

A me li ge (America)

Yo wa ne gv (Arkansas)

A de kaa tsu lv (California)

A tsi la a ne lo hi (Catholics)

A ni tsi ga sa (Chichasaw Tribe)

Tsi kama gi (Chickamauga)

A ni tsa ta (Choctaw Tribe)

A ni gu si (Creek Tribe)

De la si (Dallas or Dallis)

A ni qua nv gi (Delaware Tribe)

Tsu yv tlva ne hi yv wi (Eskimo)

A ni ga lv tsi (French People)

A da tsi (German)

Tsi lu si la mi (Jerusalem)

A ni gi du wa gi (Kitowah People)

A ni s quani (Mexican People)

A ni da lo ni ge (Orientals)

O ga li ho mi (Oklahoma)

A ni (wa)sa si (Osage Tribe)

A ni yv wi ya (Principle People)

Lo mi i (Romans)

A ni se ni ka (Seneca Tribe)

Si quo ya (Sequoyah)

Ta li qua (Tahlequah)

Nv da gv (Texas)

Ta li si i (Tulsa)

A ni s ka la li (Tuscarora People)




The following is a list of words that have more than one meaning:

i ga--- i `ga (daytime)

`i ga (noon)

o ni --- o `ni (last)

`o ni (lawn)

u gana wv --- u `ga na wv (south)

u ga na `wv (warm)

u ga lo gv (leaf, tea)

u s di (baby, little, tiny, small)

u dv sv (grown person, grown plant)

u ni lu tsv ---u ni lu `tsv (emigrants)

u `ni lu tsv (returns)

u ga nas ta (cake, sweet)

u we tsi (egg, child of)

v da li (lake, pond, bay)

gana li --- ga na `li (steer, ox)

`ga na li (lazy)

ga s gi lo (chair, table)

ga sa qua lv (round, circle, hoop)

go ya dv (wing, sleeve)

go we li (paper,book)

ka ma ma (elephant, butterfly)

The following is a list of words that have multiple synonymous or related meanings:

a ni ga yo li (minority,sparse, few)

a li (do)

di (cooperate, unite, affiliate, ally)

a ye li (half,middle, between, half dollar)

Ah-choo-jah anitsutsa (boys)

a ge `hu tsa (girl) a tse (lv)

di (pretend, fiegn, imitate, fakery)

a le ni s gi (beginner, amatuer)

a le wi s do di (camp, stop, period, pause,halt)

a le (nv)

di (begin, start, commerce)

a dla (rosin, rubber, tar,gum, wax)

a dla nv da di s gv (opportunity, privilege, advantage)

a da dv (do)

di (to inquire, ask, to question)

a da (nv)

te di (to ponder, reason, scheme, idea, to think)

a dado li s di (to say grace, to bless, sympathize, pray, pardon, have mercy)

a da nu go wi di (to oust, impeach, evict, eject)

a da lo nu he di (betray, swindle, decieve, defraud)

Words that have multiple synonymous or related meanings:

a da se he di (to show, guide, direct, indicate)

a da de (ya) do di (to aggravate, disturb, harass, tantalize)

a da de yo di (to teach, instruct, advise, enlighten)

a que tsi a ge yu tsa (daughter)

u we ji a ska `ya (man, men)

Ah-sgah-yah u ye hi (husband)

`ge ya (woman)

Ah-gay-yah anigeya (women)

a `tsu tsa (boy)

Ah-gay-huge-jah aneigehutsa (girls)

e `do `da (father)

Eh-doh-dah vg edoda (my father)

tsa duda (your father)

ogi duda (our father)

vg etsi (my mother)

e `tsi (mother)

Eh-gee ogitsi (our mother)

tsa tsi (your mother)

u `sti (baby)

Oo-sdee a `yo li (child, baby)

di ni `yo tli (children)

gohustianadadvni (kinsmen or kinfolk as in relations)

etsi (mother)

edoda (father)

agitsi (my mother)

agiduda (my father)

udvsonvhi (elder(man)

elisi (grandmother)

agayvlige (elder(woman)

edudi (grandfather)

also vgitsi (my mother (dialect thing again)

and vgidoda (father)

vgilisi (my grandmother)

vgidudi (my grandfather)

a na da nv tli (brothers)

di na da nv tli (brother(s)

ulv (her sister)

Notice that sister is odd

udo (his sister)

vgilv (female speaking of ) = vgilv my sister

vgido (male talking about his) = vgido

dinadalv (they are sisters )

Family (continued)

tsosdadalv (we are sisters )

tsosdadanvtli (we are brothers)

gohusdianadadvni (cousin or kin to me)

diniyoli (children) ayoli (child)

e tlo`gi (aunt)Eh-tloh-gee

u lo`gi (their aunt)

e du `sti (uncle) Eh-doo-jee

E li si (grandmother) Eh-lee-see

E du du (grandfather) Eh-doo-doo

E ni si (Paternal grandmother) Eh-nee-see

Danvtli (brother)

Dinadanvtli (brothers(they are brothers)

Tsosdadanvtli (my brother or we are brothers)

Jo sda da lv (Sister (from siste) Joh-sdah-dah-luh

Jo sda da hnv tli (brother(from brother) Joh-sdah-dah-nuh-tlee

A gi do (brother (from sister) Ah-gee-doh

O gi na li (friend(3rd person) Oh-gee-naw-lee

Sidanelv (family, cousin) (notice cousin and family are same word)

ududa (his/her father)

utsi (his/her mother)

ogiduda (our father, but it doesn't include that it could be your father)

ogitsi (our mother, but it doesn't include that it could be your mother)

oginiduda & oginitsi (our father & our mother, meaning they are his, hers and mine.)

uniduda (their father)

unitsi (their mother)

Notice that there are usually not two vowels together in a word. If a word starts with a vowel and the descriptive word ends in a vowel then the second one is usually dropped.

gadodetsadoa (what is your name)

daquadov (my name)

dudov (his/her name) daquadov (Awohali or Awohali daquadov)

"is" is understood in most cases daquadov (Awohali = name) but more often than not you might reply tsigia Awohali = I am Eagle agia Awohali = he is Awohali

Note the double "a"'s aren't combined because this is a description of someone







u no ga (bass,fish)

do ye (beaver)

Yona or yonah (bear)

Gvnigeyona (black bear)

Gvnigeyona aledi (black bear that stands)

tsi s qua (bird)

gv na ge tsi s qua (blackbird)

Yvsv (bison)

gv he (bobcat)

gv na ge ga le gi (blacksnake)

tsa quo la da gi (bluebird)

tsa ta ga (chicken)

usti waya (Coyote's are little)

gi yu ga (chipmunk)

a gi na so qui li (colt)

wa ga (cow)

tsi s dv na (crawfish)

go gv (crow)

a wi (deer)

gi li (dog)

gu le di s go ni hi (dove)

ga wa nv (duck)

u wo ha li (eagle)

dv de gi (eel)

ka ma ma (elephant)

a tsa di (fish)

tsu la (fox)

tsu s qua ne gi dv (goat)

sa sa (goose)

o ga na (groundhog)

qu qui di ga na sa I (guinea fowl)

k na s go wa (heron)

si qua (hog)

so qui li (horse)

wa le lu (hummingbird)

tlv da tsi (lion)

Kanunu (bull frog)

Saloli (squirrel)

Gvni (turkey)

Ulano (turtle)

wahya (wolf (Eastern Dialect)




Imperatives Or Commands

halista dvtluga (sit down)

hadida (get up (from lying down)

talehvga (stand up)

asduda (shut up)

doyahena (go outside)

ehiyha (come in)

estiyvha (come in (to two people)

etsiyvha (come in (to 3+ people)

gasgilo gihalsdv tsuga (sit in the chair)

gasgilo (chair)

Note: the rest is probably more like "take yourself over to that chair and sit in it"

halista dvtluga (sit down)

ayv (me)

aquatseli (my)

The Body

u nv tsi da (brain)

ga le (ear)

a ga do li (eye)

di ga do li (eyes)

u ka dv I (face)

u wa yi (hand)

a s go li (head)

ga dv gi a (hear)

ga ga lo I (leg)

di ga ga lo I (legs)


English to Tsalagi Dictionary in Alphabetical order

Not all the words in Section A have been included as yet in the following. Remember to sound out the words because spelling differences may be only phonetic sounds spelled differently.

Engl.ish Tsalagi

Acorn gu le all ni `ga da

Alone u `wa sa

already ga yu `la

also nas `quu

and a `le

asleep ga li `ha

Amen e me nv

America a me li ge

and a le

anvil a so di ta lu gi s gi u li gi

apple sv ga ta

apron a tse sa do

apricot da `lo ni ge-a dv `dv ski

Arkansas yo wa ne gv

arrow di ga da tla dv

arrowheads di ga da tla dv tsu s go

ashes go s du

ate `a `ga

aunt e tlo gi

ax ga lu ya s di

baby u s di ga

bad u yo i

bag de ga lo di

banana qua `ne `na

ball a la s ga lo di

barrel sv do ni

basket ta lu tsa

bass (fish) u no ga

batter a su ge di

beads a de la di ya tso di

bean du ya

bear yo nv

beaver do yi

bed ga ni si

bed ga ni tlv di sti

bedroom asvsti kanvsulv

bee wa du li si



English Tsalagi

beef wa `ka-ha

before i gv yi di tlv

behind o ni di tlv

bell ha lv ni

below e la di tlv

belt a da tlo s di

bench ga nv hi dvga s gi lo

beside u li di tlv

between a ye li

bible go we li u ha ge dv

big e qua

bigger u ta ni di

bird tsi s qua

birthday u de ti yi s gv i

black gv na ge i

blackbird gv na ge tsi s qua

black-snake ga le gi

blanket tsu s qua nv ni

blood gi gv

blouse a ge yv ga du i u nu wo gi

blue sa go ni ge i

bluebird tsa quo la da gi

boat tsi yu

bobcat gv he

book go we li

box (noun) ga ne sa i

bow (hunting) ga li tsa di

boy a tsu tsa

boys a ni tsu tsa

branch (tree) u s di u wa ni ga lv

branch (stream) u s di ge yv qua

brain u nv tsi da

bread ga du

bridge a sv tsi

broad ax u dv na ga lu ya s di

brothers a na da nv tli

brown wa di ge i

bucket ta lu gi s gi go yi nu s di a ma

building ne s ge ha

building (verb) a tli s do di

bullfrog ka nu nu

butter go sa nv hi

butterfly ka ma ma


English Tsalagi

cabbage u s ge wi

cake `wa du `li si

California a de kaa tsu lv

candle y ka na wi a tsv s do di

canoe tsi yu

cap u gv tsa di a li s que ta wv

cat we sa

caterpillar s go ya a ne s gi lv v s gi

Catholics a tsi la a ne lo hi

Car `a `tso du `di

center a ye li

central a ye li

chair ga s gi lo

chapter a ya do lv i

Cherokee tsa la gi

Cherokee (place) tsa la gi yi

Cherry gi ta ya

Chestnut ti li

Chichasaw Tribe a ni tsi ga sa

Chickamauga tsi ka ma gi

chicken tsa ta ga

chicken soup uga ma tsa ta ga

child a yo tli

children di ni yo tli

chimney a hu tsa wa la gv i

chipmunk gi yu ga

Choctaw Tribe a ni tsa ta

Christ `Ga lo `ne `da

Christian tsu `nel ti

Christmas u na de ti yi s gv i

Church `di ga la `wi sti

City ga du `hv i

Clean `u da `nv ga `lv da

cloth a na wo

clothing di `nu wo

close `as du `di

cloud u lo gi lv

cloudy u `lo gi `la

coat ga sa le na

coffee go we

cold u yv tla

cold time u `yv `dla

colt a gi na so qui li


English Tsalagi

come e `he na

container a tli s do di

cook (noun) a da s da yv hv s gi

cook (verb) a da s da yv hv

cool u ne sv `yv `tli

copperhead wo di ge a so go li

corn se lu

corn bread `se lu-`ga du

corner u nv si yv i

country sga `du gi

cove u ge da li yv i

cow wa ga

crawfish tsi s dv na

creek ni la dv yi

Creek Tribe a ni gu si

cricket ta la du

crow go gv

cucumber ga ga ma cup ga nu hi lo di

Dallas or Dallis de la si

daughter a que tsi a ge yu tsa

day i ga

daylight u gi tsi ha

deep ha wi ni

deer a wi

Delaware Tribe a ni qua nv gi

devil a s gi na

dime s go i ya da nv te di

dirt ga da

doctor di da nv wi s gi

dog gi li

dogwood ka nv si tad

door ga lo hi s di

doorway ga lo hi s di yi

dough (corn) a su ge da se lu

dough (flour) a su ge da u lo le s da

dove gu le di s go ni hi

down e la di

dress a sa no

dry u da `yo di

duck ga wa nv

eagle u wo ha li

ear ga le

earth e lo hi no


English Tsalagi

east ka lv gv i

eat hi ga eel dv de gi

egg u we tsi

eggs tsu we tsi

eggs (scrambled) asuyedv tsu we tsi

eggs (fried) goihi gvnistodi tsu we tsi

elephant ka ma ma

enemy tso tsi da na wa

Eskimo tsu yv tlv a ne hi yv wi

eye a ga do li

eyes di ga do li

face u ka dv i

fast ga tsa nu la

fat u li tso hi dv

father e do da

feather u gi da li

field tso ge si

fire a tsi la

fireplace go dv di a hu tsa wo la dv i

first a gv yi yi

fish a tsa di

fishing a su v s gi

floor ya te no ha

flour u tsa le s da

flower hu tsi lv ha

flowing e gv i

fly (noun) dv ga

fog tsu gv ha dv

food `al sta yvn `ti

forest a do hi

forever i go hi dv

fox tsu la

French People a ni ga lv tsi

friend o gi na li i

friends tso ga li i

frog wa lo si

frost u ya dv ha

fruit u da ta `nv-a `gi `sdi

gap (as in mountain) u yv la dv dv i

garden a wi sv di yi

German a da tsi

girl a ge yu tsa

glass u ne s da la


English Tsalagi

gloves di li ye su lo

oat tsu s qua ne gi dv

god e do da

gold da lo ni ge i

goose sa sa

grapes qua lu si

grass ga nu lv hi

grasshopper do la tsu ga

gravy u ga ma

gritter a su go s di se lu tsu wa ni ge i

green a tse hi

groundhog o ga na

group u da tli gi

groups du na da tli gi

guinea fowl qu qui di ga na sa i

hammer gv ni li da s da

hand u wa yi

handsaw u s di a ga na so gi

hat a li s que ta wo gi

hay ka ne s ga

hazelnut a yu gi dv

head a s go li

hear ga dv gi a

heat u di le ga

heaven ga lv la di

hello si yu / si yo

heron k na s go wa

highway e qua nv no hi

hoe ga lo go di

hog si qua

holly u s da s di

honeybee wadulisi

home a que nv sv i

hominy ga no he nv

horse so qui li hot u di le ga

hot house o si

house a da ne lv

hummingbird wa le lu

hurry u tli s da

husband u ye hi I yv

ice u ne s da la

icicle u ne s da la u ne sa dv i

inch `` e ya si ta dv hi


English Tsalagi

Indian yv wi ya hi

Indians a ni yv wi ya hi

inside ha wi ni

island a ma ye li

itch u ni tsi la

Jehovah yi ho wa

Jerusalem tsi lu si la mi

Jesus tsi sa jug ga da gu gu

jump ha da na wi dv

kettle ka wi a do di tsu la s gi

key a s du i s di

kill tsi lu ga

kitchen a ds ta ti

Kitowah People a ni gi du wa gi

knife ye la s di

lake v da li

lamp a `tsv s di go i

learn ga do le qua

leg ga ga lo i

legs di ga ga lo i

light u lv sa da a tsa s dv i

like looks gi ni tlo yi

lion tlv da tsi

lives (verb) e ha

little `u sti

log tsu lv da ge wi

long ga nv hi dv

love tsi lv quo di / tsi ge yu i

man a s ga ya

mask a gv du lo

match (Noun) a tsu s di

mattress a tse s do me a `ya

meat ha wi ya

medicine nv wa ti

men a ni d ga ya

now nv

night sv `no `I

peach `qua `na pear di ga `dv di

peas duyu nasdii

pencil di go `we lo `di

pork (pi g) si `qua-ha

potatoes nu `na

potatoes (baked) gadunvi nu`na


English Tsalagi

potatoes (fried) goihi gvnistodi nu `na

phone di li no `he `hi

plum qua `nun sti

preach `al tsa `do `ti

shirt ha `wi ni-`a nu

shoes di la `su lo

slow u ska `no la

socks di `li yo

smoke signal tsu na lu gi

snow (time) us gi ya

snow v `tsi

spirit a da nv do

spirit warrior a da nv do ai tli hi

stand, or upright a le di

standing ga do da

stop ha le `wi sta

storehouses u na wa da li

succeed as gwa dis di

success asgwadv sun nv`da

sunshine a ga`lis gv

sun is shining a`ga li

street ga la `nv da

table / chair ga sgi lo

turtle ulano

watch/clock wa `sti

warrior di tli hi

what ga do

when hi la `yu i

where `ha tlv

warrior di tli hi

warrior/soldier a ya wis gi

welcome ulihelisdi

wet ga du `li di

window tso `la `na

worship/pray a da `do `lis do `ti yes v `v




Cherokee Syllabary


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