The Storyteller

The Storyteller

How Fire Was Brought To The Indian

Visit me in my library and maybe I will tell you a story for I am a Story Teller and I have many stories to tell. Maybe I have one for you now.

Before I tell my story I want to tell you about my "special shawl". It was designed by me, and made by my sister, Dancing Moon. The red stands for the East and new beginnings and the re-birth of each and every new day; in each corner of the shawl, there are 4 black crows; on the back, which you cannot see, is a circle in yellow, representing the South and the Mothers and the Grandmothers. Inside this yellow circle, is the symbol of the story teller, in black, surrounded by children. It is a special shawl and one in which I will cherish all the days of my life.

Now the story... dear friends...

It's about how fire was brought to the Indian. The fire was on an island on a rather large lake. All the animals gathered around …..and the Wise Old Owl said to the others, someone must get the fire and bring it here. And so, they tried, one by one. First the Racoon, ….. but he returned empty handed, but the fire had burned dark circles around his eyes;… then the snake who crossed the great lake and slithered around the fire leaving dark rings encircling his body. …..But he too failed in his attempt to bring the fire to the land. All the animals tried and failed to bring the fire to the land. Finally the little spider spoke up and said, "I will try. I will cross the great lake and bring the fire to the people. ……All the other animals laughed. But the little spider jumped into the huge lake and swam out to the island. And he carefully walked around the fire and caught a spark on his back. Then he swam back across the large lake and all the other animals were amazed he had brought the spark of fire to the people!!!

So, it doesn't matter how big or small - or what the job is, what matters most is that you do it well….. Not in the mood for a story?

Maybe we can just sit together in my garden and listen to the sounds of nature and day dream together. We can enjoy the smell of the fresh air - feel the breeze upon our bodies, smell the flowers and grass and all our plant relations. We can feel the warmth of Grandfather Sun upon our faces …and watch the blades of grass sway and dance in the summer winds. We can enjoy the songs of our brothers and sisters, the winged ones.

We can share the joy of watching the butterfly as it flows by or enjoy the gift of a visit from the doe with her fawn.

The chickadees fly all around us and the bluejays send us their loud and hearty squawk of hello. The loud caw! caw! caw! of the crow is with me always. Crow sits nearby, high in the pines and is often joined by other crows and they often caw loudly together when they think I am not giving them their rightful attention.

While in the background, we can listen to the gentle peaceful cooing of the Mourning Dove.

Or perhaps you are in the mood for a nice swim? I have a special and beautiful place...with the roaring falls of the precious blood our Mother...and it is good, clean, cool and refreshing and we can swim in the Sacred waters of our Mother, or perhaps just sit close by and listen to the music of the roaring falls. It is a bright and beautiful day - and we can enjoy all Mother has given us....the essence of life itself and her precious blood - the water that nourishes all, for without it, there would be no life.

I wish peace and friendship to all who come here.

Come here with open heart and soul. Come here speaking your truth and walking your walk..come here and be a friend. Lead, but I may not follow. Follow, but I may not lead. Simply stand beside me and call me friend.

If you come here and are not friend; then I ask you to leave my Sacred Land...and I bid you no ill will; but simply ask that you go in peace and return only when your eyes are open and show your truth; when your heart and soul are open and show your truth and then stand beside me and I beside you, and we will call each other friend.


.....As I sat outside - looking at the beautiful blue sky, feeling the gentle winds on my body and through my curling hair, and all around me - as I watched the winds gently move the growing blades of grass - making them sway and dance - as I listened to the wind - and heard the songs of the many birds - the mournful song of the dove - but with its cooing and soothing sounds - to the distance I heard the voices of the crows and as I always do - I spoke back and I know they heard; for they answered me.

....I sat, seeing the new life spring up all around me - the budding of the trees and how much more growth there had been since yesterday! And I listened to all these things - saw all the beauty, I thought how rich I am, how blessed. I felt at one with our Mother Earth and connected and there is no other feeling quite like it - it is our spirit - our heart. And then I thought, what if today is the day I am to die? Morbid? No. Glorious it would be! For being able to see all this time and all this beauty and knowing I am a part of it!!! And what would I want to do this day, if I knew it was the day for me? I would rejoice in the fact that I have seen all this beauty - rejoice that I am loved by a wonderful mate - many friends - brothers and sisters - perhaps not of my "blood" but of my heart and soul.

I would rejoice that I have been led to many and have learned some - and have at least, always known and have always felt such a connection to Mother Earth all my life, even though I did not always know my Indian heritage.

We have so much around us, so much within us - and I would want very much to tell those I love, how much I love them and to thank them for being in my life, and how thankful I am for all the experiences I have had on this Red Road, and yes, perhaps, a mite reluctant to leave for I would want to travel this Road for a while longer. But if this is the day - Hoka Hey - it would be a good day to die.

Written by Calling Crow - May 1999

"Look Upon These Faces Of Our Children Without Number, And With Children In Their Arms, That They May Face The Winds And Walk The Good Road To The Day Of Quiet....There Is No Death...Only A Change Of Worlds...Only A Change Of Worlds...."

An Editor's Note: These beautiful words of Calling Crow inspired my writing "A Thought For Your Day"

Great White Owl
