There will be times during our Earth Walk, that our very foundations will be shaken
to the very core of our being, For each of us,
it will be different, and unique from another;
even if we do not see it. It is during these times
that we are at our weakest..
that we see our greatest faults, feel our greatest weaknesses
and face our greatest fears
which sometimes test our own personal faith.
It is at these times, that we MUST remember:
that Our Family is greatest...
when we all pull together and share our various strengths;
to help each other
We ARE growing as a Family, and we ARE becoming knowledgeable in the Ways
that are Right, in a Good and Honorable manner.
May we Always:
"Walk the Paths our Ancestors would have Us Walk!"
They have traveled the Paths before us
and there is much we can learn from them...
and when we are tested, that is when
we can learn some very important Teachings.
We can keep the Ego from distorting our perceptions
then we can learn...
It is when we "Allow" our physical selves to interfere with
Our Spiritual Walk,
that we cease to learn (in the waking time);
or understand it in the "Way" it was intended for us,
by Great Spirit; Creator.
It is "my Belief", that we MUST make a conscious decision
to grow Spiritually.
We cannot do this, if we continue to "allow" our physical selves
to stop us. could see them-self as a vessel that holds water
then let the also see
that they are the vessel...and water is Spirit.
If you put a lid on the container, then no water can be poured
into that vessel.
Our physical selves can put that lid on, and very tightly at times!
It then becomes our responsibility to:
Remove that which is preventing, stopping, or hindering
Great Spirit from working through Us; as an individual
or collectively
as a Great Family of Spiritual Nature.
We MUST become as "Hollow Tubes"
so that we can be blessed by Great Spirit working thru Us!
We ARE evolving
and we must continue to grow and mature
in the "Way's of Spirit".
Just as our Mother Earth as rivers moving thru her
and lakes and seas, and rain in the clouds, and mists
from the ground, so also should we
"allow" Great Spirit to move thru Us...
and thus shall we help and contribute to the whole...
that IS...
and is around us.
It is not always the mountains which choose
to have a river cut thru them
but rather the power of the waters
as our Great Mother directs.
"I believe" that it is during our most trying times
that the rivers of Spirit
are making new "Ways" within us...
that we may be more useful servants and tools
for the Creator...
Do we have the right to refuse Spirit
from moving and operating in our lives
and thus arrogantly say we know what is better
than Creator's plan; within Great Mystery?
I Pray NOT!!!
We must "freely allow Great Spirit and the Helpers
freedom in our lives, as we travel
the Circles of the Earth Walk.
We MUST be "Hollows Tubes"
if Great Spirit, Creator and Great Mystery
are to use us and our Great Family...
for the greater Good of ALL!!!