I feel the bonds slip and I float upward
Looking down, I see my body...
My body?
A thin, wispy tether connects me
To the supine body lying there...
The face looking peaceful, eyes closed, relaxed
I look down at what I've become
And look through myself...
Now I look up and outward
Toward the heavens...
And I am not alone!
Other intangible beings float all around me..
Most are strangers, some I know...
This must be the Astral Plane...
A place of disclosure, visions, truth...
What truth will I find here?
Movement at my side....coming closer...
A White Buffalo....or is it bison?
He speaks into my spirit...
"Follow me"
We drift together, my hand on his back...
We leave the other beings behind...
To seek their own truths...
As we traverse the starry plains
I feel...more than hear...
The sweep of powerful wings...
Above us flies Eagle...the Great Protector...
And suddenly, beside me...Wolf
I feel his fur under my hand...
And leading us all is Snake...
I know a great Truth is ahead of me...
How could it not be
With such powerful guides as these?
Away, in the starlit distance
I see another being...
As intangible as I...
Coming toward us...
This being is also being led
By like guides....
The two Eagles soar to meet each other...
As the White Buffalo, Wolf, and Snake
Rush to their counterparts...
Then I look closely at the being in front of me..
This is an old soul...
One I've known from the beginning of Time...
My counterpart
My other half
My soul-mate
My life...
As we reach out to each other
I hear a voice in my soul...
"Finally I've found you"
And I echo the thought...
We are One again, whole, complete....
Just then, Coyote howls in the distance
Dawn is coming soon...
Some force is pulling us apart...
And our guides look sorrowful...
They had thought to avoid Coyote's notice...
But the Trickster wins again!
I feel the wispy tendril tighten
As it pulls me back into my body...
One thought stays with me though....
My heart sings
My spirit soars
I now know the truth...
My soul-mate is out there...
Also searching for his lost half...
And someday...
Coyote must sleep.
jrp 1998