By Lorna Hibbs
The fact of the matter for those who profess Christianity, is that the Savior of the World, worshipped by those who bear His name, did not choose to judge people. He chose, instead, to accept them and love them, regardless of what they chose to believe.
He taught of a better way of life, a life following a path of truth and honesty to oneself and others. He understood the unity and oneness of all Creation better than we, and He who was
the only perfect person ever borne, the One who could have righteously chosen to judge, chose not to. What does that tell those who profess to follow Him?
Another fact is that before we chose to follow any particular path of religious worship, we were Tsalagi. This is a thing of the blood, it is a genetic heritage we cannot deny. When I was a child
I was raised in one Christian faith, as I grew into adulthood I questioned and searched many differing religious denominations, finally finding what was meant for me. BUT, it was not until I acknowledged my Tsalagi blood, and answered it's call that I found what was lacking still in my life.
So one's genetic heritage, one's way of life, and one's choices in life are all different, but a part
of who we are, one cannot be changed, the other's involve choice and accountability. We must recognize our accountability for our choices, and realize that what we have received from our Fathers shapes us and cannot be denied. And this inheritance does not change regardless of what our choices of worship, regardless of what lifestyle we choose. We are Tsalagi. Our people have always been open and accepting of others.
We are Tsalagi, we worship as we choose, and allow others the right to worship as they choose. We are Tsalagi, the Creator made us, the Principal People. We are Tsalagi. Whether we go to water by the rivers or streams, or not at all, whether we sing hymns on Sunday, or chant our
prayers daily, or not at all. When all is said and done, we are Tsalagi.
Lorna. Atvgi Adanvdo