Writings & Sayings

Snowbird (Pam Oates)

I truly believe there is a great deal of wisdom we could all
use in the Following writings and sayings:

A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time
he bites off more than he can chew.


Sucess is not always the best teacher. When we
can learn our mistakes not as failure but as "Opportunities
for Learning," life becomes much,much easier. It is only in
a perfectionistic society that mistakes are seen as "bad."
It is only in a society based on illusion of control that
people come to believe that by sheer will they can control
their lives and lives of other to such an extent
that they can prevent their mistakes

All systems based on illuision of control are addictive systems
Culture that continue to live in peace with life, focuses on
partcipation with life, not on control. Wisdom starts with mistakes.


I believe that much of the trouble and blood could be saved
if we were more open in our hearts. Opening our hearts in
this crazy society can be dangerous, yet can we afford not to?
Can we afford to allow words to be put in our mouths?

All Native American people have been slaughtered, physically,
emotionally, financially, and personally by opening thier hearts,
and yet they continue to do it. Even though opening our hearts
is dangerous, how much more dangerous is it to threaten our souls
by refusing?

I feel good about myself when I open my heart.

